July 27, 2009

Paul Krugman attacks Blue Dogs

I guess this is what one should expect from a lavishly paid liberal editorialist from the New York Times...

Op-Ed Columnist - An Incoherent Truth - NYTimes.com

Krugman's basic points here are the following:

1. Some of the Blue Dogs voted for the Bush Tax Cut, therefore they have no right to talk about fiscal responsiblility.

2. Employers would drop coverage without the employer mandate.

3. We're all just corporate tools, defending special interests.

Now, let's put aside Krugman's hostility towards corporations, and by inference, capitalism, for a moment. How does Krugman explain how so many people in this country have health insurance now, WITHOUT an employer mandate? If he reaches his second conclusion because of the costs of this plan, then that just reinforces the objections to this bill, doesn't it????

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