July 27, 2009

Kos gets heated up over Healthcare Plan

Benedict Baucus? Craptacular? Wow, that is creative, KOS

Daily Kos: MSNBC.COM Reports (Leaks?) Craptacular Baucus 'Plan'

WASHINGTON - After weeks of secretive talks, a bipartisan group in the Senate edged closer Monday to a health care compromise that omits a requirement for businesses to offer coverage to their workers and lacks a government insurance option that President Barack Obama favors, according to numerous officials.

Like bills drafted by Democrats, the proposal under discussion by six members on the Senate Finance Committee would bar insurance companies from denying coverage to any applicant. Nor could insurers charge higher premiums on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions.

But it jettisons other core Democratic provisions in a reach for bipartisanship on an issue that has so far produced little.

KOS goes on to write:

I suspect this is a leak, because if Baucus were to release this plan and then go into recess, he would reap the whirlwind of grassroots fury that he so well deserves. My thought was that Baucus would wait until after the break to release such a plan -- the better for Big Pharma and Big Insurance to rip apart the public option that is in the body of the other three proposed reform plans on the floors of Congress during the summer recess. That way, Baucus' phony 'white knight' 'plan' could then appear on the scene that would be accepted by everyone willing to accept anything as 'health care reform.'

But not to demand businesses cover their employees? I can't imagine even the Blue Dogs would go for that, would they?

Whatever the case, the best thing that could happen is to leak this turd now so we can fight it. Huzzah to the leaker of this piece of rancid cheese.

Maybe they'll save health care this way.

Grassroots Fury?? You mean Nutroots Narcissism??? Really, KOS, Big Pharma? Big Insurance? The left always needs its' whipping boys, doesn't it??

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