August 13, 2009

Consider the Source....

Daily Kos CA Governor's Poll

This poll SEEMS to be skewed left. So lets go back to RCP and look at D-Kos's track record during the election........

Here are the trendlines for the DKos poll from 9/11/08 through Election Day:

KOS had Obama ahead by 10 or more points for almost 4 weeks straight (10/1 - 10/26)

Now, lets look at the comparable RCP average for that time period:

For the comparable time period for the RCP Average, Obama NEVER got higher than +8. It was, a couple days, from the chart as low as 5 1/2 or 6.

DKos might know liberalism, but he does NOT know polling

A new DailyKos/Research 2000 poll shows the California gubernatorial race very competitive on both sides.In the Democratic primary, Jerry Brown (D) leads Gavin Newsom (D), 29% to 20%.In the Republican primary, Meg Whitman (R) leads with 24%, followed by Tom Campbell (R) at 19% and Steve Poinzner (R) at 9%.In general election match ups, Brown beats Whitman, 42% to 36%, and tops Campbell, 43% to 35%. However, with Newsom as the Democratic nominee, the match ups are statistical ties.

If I'm Meg Whitman tonight, and I see this poll, I'm feeling PRETTY good.

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