Here is a big giveaway to the unions diguised as a compromise.
The "Third Way" On Card Check - The Atlantic Politics Channel
II. Statement of Principles of Reform "Third Way" Legislation: (1) Secret
Ballot. Guarantee the right of management and unions to require a secret ballot
under all circumstances. (2) Certification and Decertification Treated Equally.
Permit management to initiate a decertification campaign through a secret ballot election
just as employees and unions are presently able to initiate certification and
decertification campaigns. (3) Date Certain for Elections. Guarantee a fixed
time period for the secret-ballot election--i.e., do not permit delays of an
established day for a secret ballot to certify or decertify a union. (4) Equal
Access to Employees for Campaign Purposes. Level playing field for unions and
management to access employees during non-working hours during the campaign
period, e.g., permitting each to make presentations to employees at a neutral
location concerning the issue of whether to form a union. (5) Expedited
Enforcement and Stricter Penalties. Expedited enforcement for serious and
pervasive violations of law by labor and management and stricter penalties for
serious and pervasive violations (e.g., unlawful discharges), including the
penalty of mandatory injunctions when appropriate. (6) Preserve Private
Collective Bargaining. No mandatory arbitration that dictates contract terms,
but stricter penalties and expedited enforcement for violations of good faith
bargaining rules, including an expedited timetable to begin bargaining after
union certification.
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