March 21, 2010

Liberals lose Sanchez, Nye, and Space -- Bill is going down!!!

Real Clear Politics – - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls.

It has been a roller coaster 24 hours for the President's health care
reform effort. The Democrats have convinced a number of former "no" votes
to commit to voting "yes." At the same time, a few former "yes" votes have
flipped over to "no." Whip counts vary, but the various counts have the
yeas and nays at around 208. 216 votes are needed for passage.
This is
complicated by the uncertainty surrounding the size of the so-called "Stupak
bloc," which is not included in this count. These are Democrats who
normally would vote for health care reform, but want stronger anti-abortion
language inserted into the bill. These Democrats are described as Costello
(IL-12), Donnelly (IN-02), Driehaus (OH-01), Lipinski (IL-03), Stupak (MI-01),
Berry (AR-01), Dahlkemper (PA-03), Mollohan (WV-01), Kaptur (OH-09) and Rahall
(WV-03). Reports have Stupak saying that his intial bloc of 12 had been sliced in half, but it is unclear whether he was referring to
his intial group (which lost members like Oberstar and Kildee), or to the group
that he had recently put together (which added members like Berry and

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