November 5, 2009

Wishful Thinking, KOS

Right, KOS, because you would never start a civil war with moderate / conservative Dems, right? What a Joke!!!

With Scozzafava’s de facto ouster from the GOP, moderate Republicans are
now included in the movement conservatives’ enemies list, which already includes
African-Americans, gays, immigrants, Latinos, single women, urbanites,
non-Christians, Northeasterners, Hollywood, San Francisco, Chicago and
Forget a “big tent”; a pup tent would likely be too spacious
for what’s left of the so-called Republican “coalition.”
Ultimately, whether
Hoffman wins or loses is irrelevant — Democrats don’t need the extra seat, and
it’ll likely be eliminated in post-census redistricting anyway. The tarring and
feathering of Scozzafava is far more significant — emboldened conservative
activists have their first trophy victory in their jihad against the Republican
establishment, and are hungry to beat non-ideologue Republicans across the
country. Senate candidates Mark Kirk in Illinois and Rob Simmons in Connecticut
may be electable statewide because of their moderate history, but that’s
irrelevant to activists who’d rather purge than win elections. So Kirk is
running from his record, while Simmons is pathetically carrying a teabag around
to curry favor with conservatives. It remains to be seen if such empty gestures
will mollify angry teabaggers.

The GOP’s civil war -

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